Holly Dyrland, Alberta Summer Sky$CAD 2,800.00
Donovan Rose, all men will be sailors$CAD 2,500.00
Kevin Ghiglione, Ancien Peinture No. 3771$CAD 500.00
Connie Geerts, Athabasca$CAD 1,600.00
Connie Geerts, Autumn in Alberta$CAD 800.00
Angela Morgan, bets on brunch$CAD 4,200.00
Connie Geerts, Brighter Days$CAD 2,100.00
Connie Geerts, Cameron Falls - Waterton, AB$CAD 3,350.00
Holly Dyrland, Caught in the Light$CAD 1,430.00
Angela Morgan, cease and desist$CAD 1,350.00
Donovan Rose, Classic Cinema$CAD 2,500.00
Blu Smith, Cliff Hanger$CAD 9,100.00
Holly Dyrland, Clouds Moving In - Lake Louise WinterSold
Angela Morgan, coach’s corner$CAD 2,400.00
Angela Morgan, collecting my thoughts$CAD 2,300.00
Connie Geerts, Colourful Rhapsody$CAD 2,500.00
Angela Morgan, conserve and converse$CAD 2,600.00
Holly Dyrland, December Sky - All Lit Up$CAD 2,800.00
Erin Ross, Dreamscape: Mauve and Gold$CAD 3,480.00
Erin Ross, Dreamscapes 13$CAD 880.00
Holly Dyrland, Dusk$CAD 2,350.00
James Postill, Evening Ambiance$CAD 5,800.00
Angela Morgan, gathering the girls$CAD 1,700.00
Holly Dyrland, Glorious Day$CAD 2,350.00
Holly Dyrland, Going Places$CAD 2,100.00
Holly Dyrland, Golden Days of Summer$CAD 2,180.00
David Zimmerman, Hey!$CAD 920.00
Blu Smith, Hidden Jewel$CAD 9,600.00
Angela Morgan, it takes time$CAD 3,100.00
Pam Weber, I’m Still Here$CAD 2,000.00
Angela Morgan, kaleidoscope$CAD 2,600.00
Janice Tanton, Killarney - George Lake in September$CAD 950.00
Holly Dyrland, Larger Than Life II$CAD 2,180.00
Blu Smith, Light Cracks$CAD 9,600.00
Blu Smith, Light Fall$CAD 13,500.00
Connie Geerts, Like Still Water$CAD 4,000.00
Angela Morgan, loaded for bearSold
James Postill, Looking Up$CAD 2,600.00
Donovan Rose, Midnight Rider$CAD 3,500.00
Holly Dyrland, Mirrored Reflection - Invermere$CAD 2,600.00
Donovan Rose, music for the singer$CAD 5,000.00
Connie Geerts, New Day$CAD 1,550.00
Kari Duke, Old Strathcona # 1$CAD 960.00
Blu Smith, Out of The Valley$CAD 13,250.00
Donovan Rose, Passage I$CAD 3,500.00
Donovan Rose, Passage II$CAD 3,500.00
Holly Dyrland, PInehurst ReflectionsReserved
Angela Morgan, powder presents$CAD 1,850.00
Holly Dyrland, Prairies in July$CAD 5,060.00
Kevin Ghiglione, Rasputin$CAD 500.00
Blu Smith, Reflection through the Looking Glass$CAD 7,400.00
James Postill, Rhapsody in Rain$CAD 4,500.00
Holly Dyrland, Saturday Afternoon, June at Cole Lake$CAD 2,800.00
Donovan Rose, she said she was a maiden$CAD 2,500.00
Holly Dyrland, Shifting Light - Lake Louise$CAD 3,490.00
Angela Morgan, sins and suds$CAD 5,050.00
Holly Dyrland, Sitting under the Sunset$CAD 3,490.00
Angela Morgan, sizing it up$CAD 3,400.00
Jean Fosbrooke, Spring Garden$CAD 950.00
Angela Morgan, standing tall$CAD 2,300.00
Angela Morgan, Study: dramatic entrance$CAD 800.00
Angela Morgan, Study: gettting my good side$CAD 1,100.00
Angela Morgan, Study: mission$CAD 675.00
Angela Morgan, Study: practice run$CAD 950.00
Angela Morgan, Study: refuel$CAD 675.00
Angela Morgan, Study: self made$CAD 675.00
Angela Morgan, Study: spreading the news$CAD 1,100.00
Angela Morgan, Study: throwing the gloves down$CAD 950.00
Holly Dyrland, Summer Grazing$CAD 1,210.00
Holly Dyrland, Surrendering to the Day$CAD 2,180.00
Angela Morgan, taking the air $CAD 1,700.00
Angela Morgan, tell allSold
Holly Dyrland, The Heaven's Declare$CAD 2,350.00
Blu Smith, The Matrix$CAD 11,450.00
Holly Dyrland, The Very Best Moment, Pinehurst Lake$CAD 1,210.00
Angela Morgan, to the nines$CAD 5,900.00
Connie Geerts, Tranquil Woods$CAD 1,850.00
Blu Smith, What lies Beneath$CAD 14,000.00
Holly Dyrland, Where Time Stands Still IV$CAD 2,180.00
Angela Morgan, whether$CAD 2,150.00
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