Andrea Soos: Featured Artist

1 - 16 March 2024

Andrea Soos creates whimsical and soothing oceans of colour and movement that dance within canvased edges that seemingly capture just a snapshot of larger, multifaceted scenes to draw viewers into dream-like abstract gardens and rivers of blended explosive colour.

These elegant and deeply contemplative pieces, while consistently distinctive are tied together with themes of solitude and light, confined chaos, and the juxtaposition of depth and breadth of contour. With a calm contemporary palette, the artist refines turmoil with wild ease and playful curiosity; layering form, line and fresh brushstrokes as they collide into unexpected bouquets of twisting shape and hue.


Soos’ works ebb and flow like the waters of uniquely magical stories, laying out a rhythm of unified commotion and sophisticated structure.  And as every work stands apart in its individuality, so too, will the viewer’s reflection on each beautifully orchestrated vision.